Friday, August 25, 2023

Discovering Sapphire - A tale towards finding happiness.


(An introduction)

 Hey Everyone ! 

This is the new beginning and you have discovered something new, called a hunt towards finding Happiness! 

As you all know that difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations, but here's a secret this journey is not that difficult. Yup! you heard it right , you just have to visualize the things by reading my Sapphire Tales and I hope by God's grace everything will be fine.

Before starting a journey , we need to pack our things accordingly. So, let's pack everything interesting and then we'll unbox everything one by one. Let's start with a little bit  of smile, adding to it a bit of comfort and what more? Everything's sorted.

This journey is just an effort to bring happiness in this world and here you will be happy  for sure , just by reading my tales which will bring everyone on same page because after all we share the same interest.   Also, this world is too small and our problems are not that big.

We'll meet next time to discuss a lot more because we are together continuing this journey  !    

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